Sunday, November 27, 2016

News Release: Community Immunity

                                                               Project Community Immunity
                                               Immunizing San Diego one community at a time.
                                                                                                         (Flesch-Kincaid 9.7)

San Diego, CA, November 27, 2016– The US Department of Health and Human Services is on a mission to education parents on the importance of vaccines, reveal the truths about vaccines, and stop the anti-vaccination movement that has taken over California by empowering parents to make informed health decisions for their children. 
"Vaccines work by protecting individuals, but their strength really lies in the ability to protect one’s neighbors. When there are not enough people within a community who are immunized, we are all at risk.  Personal and religious belief exemptions should be curtailed because some people, whether because of age or compromised immune systems, cannot receive vaccines. They depend on those around them to be protected." - Kristen A. Feemster, MPH, MSHPR
Community Immunity is a not for profit education website that offers expecting parents and parents of children and adolescents information about vaccines. The website offers information for parents that answer questions about vaccines.  Parents are using the internet more and more frequently for supplementary information regarding health care especially infant health care with the growing concern with vaccines.  Community Immunity provides factual, unbiased information from doctors and public health officials from across the country. 
To promote Community Immunity, some members of the team will be at the San Diego Health and Fitness Expo. Our team of medicine advisors and practitioners will be available to answer questions about vaccines and vaccine practices.  Representatives from various government agemcies will be available to discuss drug testing, drug risks, and the public health benefits of vaccinations.  Additionally, Community Immunity will host the vaccination debate.  The pros and cons of vaccination will be discussed and how vaccines effect your child will be discussed by the panel.  The panel members are to include, Ben Carson, Sr., MD, Robert Pearl, MD, and Kristen A. Feemster, MPH, MSHPR, MD as pro-vaccine, and Jack Wolfson, DO, Rand Paul, MD, and Helen Bedford, PhD as anti-vaccine.
The goal of Community Immunity is to empower parents while preventing the spread of communicable disease.  We believe that is it important to create dialogue with your pediatrician and we want to give you the tools to do so.  Beginning November 27, parents will be able to access an unlimited, every updating database of information regarding immunization.  They will be able to see what diseases are prominent in their communities, what diseases have the potential for outbreak, and roughly what percentage of children in their community are vaccinated.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Micaiah Anita at 619-833-2438 or email at

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